Friday, July 18, 2008

Quick update

The time is 3:55 am now and I have just finished bathing after returning from Serica's b'day party. I must admit we had quite a blast although none of them took their shirt off after the shots like I have predicted. (I didnt take any shots btw and it would have been more fun if they did, you know.. haha)
Denise's party was more awkward as she invited many different people. But the atmosphere was good and I've met quite a few interesting people there.

Sorry I cant upload the pictures from both parties for the simple reason that I do not have them and will not have the chance to do so when I do finally get hold of them. That's because as of tomorrow, when the office hours start, my internet connection will cease. So I apologise for not being able to do the food blog I promised as well.

I'll be going MIA really soon for quite a long time but will still be on msn once in a while. But before I go, I think I might want to put these up.
My hair is not any better btw but oh well. But I really need to say that I feel ridiculous looking into the mirror and smiling to myself. (How do you do this without having the urge to laugh at yourself?) And it took quite a few shots before I could get my whole body in the photo on the left. I took these photos when I was bored waiting for a friend to get ready.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Awkward moments

There must surely be a time in the entire course of your life when you wished that you didn't say what you've just said or do what you've just, well, did. That happened to me quite a lot, although not entirely my fault.

There is just this weird feeling in the air. It was as if a bad joke was made and the awkward slience that comes after everyone tried to laugh and pretend it was funny.

Or seeing a friend of a friend on the street and don't know if you should acknowledge with a nod or a smile so you pretend to be fasinated by the cars or the buildings nearby.

Or when you wave at your friend and she doesn't wave back and then you realised that she's not your friend, upon closer inspection, and now she's giving you a weird look.

Or when a stranger starts to share his opinion with you because he has been hearing the entire conversation between you and a friend.

Or when you were told that you've got the wrong number a second time by the same person.

And the list goes on.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

I cant put a title to this

Alright! I have just washed some of my laundry and I will not be blogging about it if it wasnt the symphony of dripping water on the plastic underneath that rings constantly in my ears because I didnt quite wring them dry enough. I am tired. This is going to be a rant so be forewarned.

She did it again. We were supposed to be sporting together but... something came up and oh well.. I went by myself anyways, without my specs cos I was thinking of running, not a wise decision I learnt afterwards cos I ran into a group of weird people and thankfully nothing bad happened. (I will NEVER, EVER do it again on my own, without my specs and my hp. NEVER!) I dont blame her btw. Its not her fault the streets are dangerous.

The girls and I thought about hiking to pass time but gave up on that idea once we learnt the complexity of the activity which requires more than just good walking shoes, strong legs and a great load of enthusiasm. And just for those who are interested, click on this to find out more.

I have ran out of ideas as to what to cook! Actually I am sick of cooking and thinking and planning and.. oh gosh this is boring. I'm going to bed.

Friday, July 4, 2008

My world from my eyes

Alright everyone! It has come to my attention that my blog is boring. And the reason given was because I haven been uploading any pictures. So this shall be a picture blog.

Picture number 1: Part of my school which looks like a castle - Bonython Hall.

I used to go for my biology lecture in this hall. Its a pretty big place and the inside looks like a church. The walls are filled with portraits of ancient people, all men, who made great contribution to the building of the school.

Picture number 2: The School of Chemistry and Physics
(I said it is the School of Science earlier and I apologise for the mistake)

As you can see, this is taken at night. And it might make more sense to you if you tilt your head about 45 degrees anticlockwise. I go for my physics lecture in this building.

Picture number 3: Scary library - Barr Smith Library

This is a fantastic place to look for materials for school work and it is not as scary as it looks. (I have no idea why the lights became green in the photo, it was supposed to be slightly yellow) The public sometime uses the computers here as well. I use this place a great deal but mostly in the mornings or afternoons.

Picture number 4: Scary picture on wall outside my room

I see this everyday and it has been there every since I first step foot here so, you can say that I have form a special bond with this scary looking face.

Picture number 5: Weeds with flowers that changes colour almost everyday.

Together with the scary-looking wall, these weeds stand strong against the cold winds just outisde my window. They bare flowers which are yellow and sometimes white. Very interesting.

Picture number 6: Bad hair day, everyday.

My hair is so dry I can tie a knot with it without it bouncing back out, something I cant do in Singapore.

Picture number 7: Sunset in Adelaide
This is what I see when I cook dinner over here. A beautiful sight.

Sneak preview on some pictures before the next food blog.

The chocolate, crescent biscuit was not natural. I took a bite off it. The picture on the left shows the things that make up my breakfast. Some of the ingredients reminds me of what I used to feed my hamster.

Lastly, this is me. Ashamed by my bad hair. I might look into the camera the next time, when the state of my hair gets better.