Denise's party was more awkward as she invited many different people. But the atmosphere was good and I've met quite a few interesting people there.
Sorry I cant upload the pictures from both parties for the simple reason that I do not have them and will not have the chance to do so when I do finally get hold of them. That's because as of tomorrow, when the office hours start, my internet connection will cease. So I apologise for not being able to do the food blog I promised as well.
I'll be going MIA really soon for quite a long time but will still be on msn once in a while. But before I go, I
think I might want to put these up
My hair is not any better btw but oh well. But I really need to say that I feel ridiculous looking into the mirror and smiling to myself. (How do you do this without having the urge to laugh at yourself?) And it took quite a few shots before I could get my whole body in the photo on the left. I took these photos when I was bored waiting for a friend to get ready.