The beginning of the day was filled with rushing to the meeting place, forgetting my stuff, rushed back to my room, and rushing out again. So lets not bore everyone and jump straight into the main issue.
After a 1 and 1/2 hours drive, we were finally there! Its gorgeous! A photo shot will not do it justice so I won't upload the one I have but its BEAUTIFUL! Imgine, walking in the soft white sand while looking at the vast ocean coloured blue and green, enjoying the breeze in your hair while admiring the seagulls and basically soaking up the atmosphere. OK I am bad with describing scenes but you can never feel the same way as I did even if you look at a picture of Victor Harbor. Its really cool! And its really COLD! (Betcha can't tell that from a photo shot either)
The girls and I decided to go to the Granite Island which was about 15 mins walk down the bridge that links Granite Island to Victor Harbor. If you can see, there are actually tram lines on t
he bridge and t
he trams are actually drawn by horses! And they are HUGE! The horses I mean. And there is a picture of the giagantic horses. After a long and cold walk, we finally set foot on Granite Island. Its not all too great I must say and that's probably because we didnt spend too much time there as the rain was coming. So we decided to head back. Alright actually the rain came down quite heavily BEFORE we decided to return but ah wadeva. So we began our walk back to Victor harbor and it wasnt long before t
he walk became a run. We dashed across the 600m wooden causeway with the wind and rain as constant companions pushing us on, giving us a strong sense of motivation to keep going faster. It was actually drizzling but with wind speed of roughly 10000476538km/sec, it actually hurts like hell when the rain falls on our skin. Its like being slapped a million times. But we made it back to the mainland without much of a scar. Well, apart from the dripping wet coats and skinn
y jeans that were sticking to our skin and our salon styled va-va-VOOM hair (kindly sponsored by the wind and rain), everything else was good, including the exercise. (I really mean it!) Surprisingly, the sun was out and the rain went away shortly when we reached our destination. (Shit!) We blamed our bad luck, bought hot chocolate and boarded the bus to out next stop. URIMBIRRA WILDLIFE!
And then it happened again! Ame!!!! For those who don't know, ame means rain in Japanese. Speaking of which, I was sitting with Izumi my new friend from Japan on the 15 mins bus ride from Victor Harbor to the wildlife park. It was so funny trying to communicate with her (I had to do some charades cos my Jap is really bad). "Do you have a friend from Japan who came with you" became something like "nihon-jin no tomodachi, came here with you?" Ok too much sidetrack. Anyways, urimbirra wildlife was so cool! I enjoyed it even though it was raining at the start. We saw birds of different sizes coated with many different colours. And then we saw them!
The koalas! OMG they are so lazy! They were all sleeping in the rain while people around them started fishing out the cameras and went on a photo-taking spree! And when one koala finally decides that he is hungry, the crowd went crazy and started taking shots with it. (I kind of went too actually and you cant image how long it took for this guy to turn and face the camera) After squeezing my way out of the kolas captive area, w
e went to visit the kangaroos! The first thing you'll see is
poo. Lots of kangaroo poo and you cannot avoid it unless you have the ability to walk on air. But the kangaroos were hilarious! They are never satisfied! They kept on eating the feed and I wonder if 
they ever suffer from indigestion. We went on to the crocodile area where there are salt water and fresh water crocodiles on display something I don't fancy taking photos of. Along the way we also saw a wombat, some dingos, ducks, an emu, peacocks and water dragons.
All in all, we all went home with a pinch of kangaroo's feed and saliva, a scent of roo's poo and some rain we collected from all over and as the day draw to an end, we bid farewell to our friends with tired eyes.
How can you left me out with all the FUNS!!!!! HAHAHA. Don't abuse these animals, I know you usually do (esp on your ex-hamster-s)! You don't overfeed them okie? They seem to be dory-look-alike, forgotten they just have a meal!
I wanna join you! You must wait for me..hahaha
lol ok i'll try to include u the next time we go have fun ok? i'll probably pull u out from my computer on one of the days while we webcam? you think that might work? it'll save you a air ticket:)
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