I am currently living on the ground floor in room 2. These are taken in my bedroom and in my shared bathroom on level one.
Level 1- Elisa (room 1) and ME (room 2)
Level 2- Carrie (room 4) and someone who's still not here (room 3)
Level 3 is where you'll find the kitchen and the living room and there's a TV! ( Grey's Anatomy is showing on every sunday at 8:30 p.m. YAY!)
Level 4- One room whose occupant is not here yet.
These are taken from my balcony on a nice sunny yellow banana day and some shots of the 3rd level of my house.
These are some shots of the kitchen and living room. This area is basically shared amonst the 3 of us but usually only Elisa and I will hang anrd here to chat after lunch or dinner.
Following are some photos taken with friends I've met here.

From left, that is Vanes, Izumi and Roshi --->
And then there's Caroline, Natalie, Me and Mr Kangaroo!
And the one on the left is Peng Chen while the one on the right is Elisa
A cup of hot coffee warms the body but a bunch of great friends warms the heart. I am lucky to have BOTH coffee and friends:)
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