Wednesday, November 19, 2008

M&M's (Mistake/Mahjong)

To err is human. Everyone makes mistakes. So do I. Sometimes it's because of ignorance, sometimes I knowingly do it and sometimes I just can't help it. When I did something wrong, I will wallow in self pity, then blame myself (sometimes quite severely depending on the degree and type of consequence it brings) and then remind myself not to do it again. But humans are forgetful creatures too.

This is like having a cut. When I make a mistake, a cut appears on my hand. If it hurts too much, I will add salt to it to make it feel worse. This reinforces the idea of pain and hence preventing the likely occurance of the previous mistake. But from time to time, the soft wind blows over it, taking away the pain. And the wound became nothing but a scar. An unsightly mark on my hand that reminds me only when I look at it. I have lost the stimulus to stupidity.

I think everyone have the right to make mistakes. So I don't blame myself for making one. Still, it is very crucial to learn from it. And even if I can't do anything about correcting the mistake, I will do everything in my power to prevent it from happening again. But things, like people, are forgotten with time. And just as I am about to forget the reason why I reproach myself every night before I sleep, I will be reminded by you. With a knife in one hand and salt in another. So thanks, I guess. Because of you, my path will never stray.

On a different issue:
It's not going to happen. Sorry guys but I will not be doing a mahjong video. This is mainly because I now know how boring our mahjong game could be. I would, however, gladly accept any invitation to a game of mahjong when I get back this December.

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