Wednesday, January 7, 2009


It has always been like this. My sister will be the first to get it, and it will spread like wild fire to the rest of the family. I am speaking of the flu virus. No, not the infamous H5N1 or the recently resurfaced H9N2. No, what I have is not life-threatening. What I HAVE makes you tear even though you're not crying. It makes doing simple mental calculation seem impossible cause your head feels heavy with fluid. It retards the speech and makes spelling difficult. I have to spell the words out loud as I type them now.
What I have is....

the common cold.

Because my sister is quite delicate, or weak as I will say, viruses can easily invade her immune system and start replicating within her. This sounds gross but it's true. I call her the walking incubator for virus. Currently, everyone in my family is infected by the deadly thing that my sister had and we all have to refrain from our normal duties and stay in bed. Which hence explains why I have the time write this post. My dad and mum are coughing concurrently right now like how the choir sing in parts. I am sneezing uncontrollably which makes the whole thing look like an orchestra. Except that it is not a symphony of music but of viruses vying to see who gets to create more havoc in its host. And the worst thing is, I have a job interview in less than 2 hours time. How am I to impress with the waking of the virus and the continuous singing of the birds in my head and which I am blinded by my very own tears? I can no longer tell if my sentences make sense. Excuse me, I think I need to lie down now.

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