I am saying this because I have just went through FOUR DAYS without internet access. FOUR FREAKING LONG DAYS!!!!! My computer just refuse to log on to the network and after getting professional help from the reception, I realised that the internet settings was not correct. But, I am quite thankful that I have lived pass the ordeal to relate this tragic epsoide of my life. Just try one day without internet. Just one. Times 4 to that anger, fustration and rage and you'll get the equation of how I felt.
Just as there are times in life where everthing goes wrong, the
re's always surprises that can make your day! I have just received a parcel from my family! They sent me a pair of winter clothes (black and white), a pair of thermal wear (2 tops, 2 bottoms), a pretty checkered scarf, my loyal ikea blue cup, some pens and refills for my uni-ball (cos everyone uses ball point pens here), more lotions and a laundry bag. And something else. My PLASTERS!!!! I am so injury prone that I sprain
ed my right ankle just before I came here. Its all good now but just in case. The things from home really made my day and I am reminded that once again, home is where the heart belongs. Awwww. Sounds mushy but its true. So treasure your family people!
Classes have finally started. I must say that by and large the lecturers are pretty interesting here. Most of them have their own teaching style. I am more or less used to their somewhat weird lecture style and is able to differentiate what they're saying to what they actually mean. Most people here went through year 12 which has syllabus slightly different from ours. (They have never heard before the term radians) But most of it is the same.(I hope) Its just how they phrase their sentences. The australians tend to speak quite differently in the sense that they uses different words. I might speak like them after a while. Haha. So dont give me a weird look when I greet you with a "G'day mate" when I get back home in december:)
-leeling will learn to count her blessings and appreciate the internet more everytime she uses it. It is also in her agenda to avoid picking up the Australian slang when speaking to her friends in Singapore.
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