Sunday, May 18, 2008

To be or not to be

One of the most difficult choice to make in life is the one which does not allow you to turn back once your decision is made. Especially if the decision which you are about to make involves the lives of others as much as it does your own.

I am inclined to think that many would depend on some external help, when faced with such a situation, before they are able to reach a final decision. Some might, well, flip a coin or something while others might consult the wisdom of a friend or family. Some talk it through, weigh the pros and cons of each side and take the one they deemed will be to their best advantage. A handful might turn to their religon, seek the answer from a higher being with whom they trust their fates upon. What about you?

What if one day you're faced with a decision that might change your life and the lives that revolves around yours? Would you take the plunge?

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