Saturday, December 6, 2008

One, Two, Three and the One and Only

Most of you should know that I am the eldest child in my family and since I have always been the eldest child and have never experienced what it is like to be otherwise, I often wonder how it is like to be in the middle or the baby of the family.

I guess it's a lot different. If you're the eldest, you're expected to "grow up" faster than everyone else and not to fight with your younger siblings over small things like who gets to be the red ranger or who gets to play with the new PS II and..... stuff like that. When you get older, you get smarter and bolder and you fight back. I remember once I was fighting with my younger brother over some toy and my father saw it.

"Let your brother have it," he said.

"Why should I?!" I boldly retorted.

"He's younger."

Same excuse again. My father always said that when he wanted me to give in.

"But he'll always be younger!" was my reply.

He fell silent.

I thought I had upset my father by being so rude but as I think about it now, maybe he wasn't upset. Maybe he was silent because he understands. My father is the eldest child of his family.

And I don't know about this but I guess the middle kid is easily forgotten and the youngest one is usually spoilt. And as for those who fall in neither of these categories aka the only child, they are not necessarily forced to grow up and definitely unforgettable but they are most certainly spoilt. Though I have to excuse my friend, Sarah from this. She is definitely not spoilt but as for the others, if you're an only child, there is a very real chance of you being spoilt. And if you're rich, you'll be spoilt too. And if you're the only child and you also happen to be rich, then you're likely to be......

..... a good target for kidnappers.


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