Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Maybe we're not so different afterall

I have always thought that we are very different in many ways. The Australians and I. We talk differently, have (almost) opposite taste in food and music, have different mindsets and, generally, behave differently.

You came across as being more vocal, always ready to express your ideas, no matter how absurd they may sound. I, on the other hand, have usually kept to myself and offer my ideas only when asked.

You take a considerable time to manipulate mathematical formulas. I see no challenge in that.

You greet friends of the opposite gender with a kiss. (Well, for some of you) I will just say "Hi".

You play hard. I play sudoku. (haha and other stuff of course!)

However after living here for some time, I am able to see slowly that we are not quite as different as I thought we are. Let me explain.

There was a programme on tv yesterday. I was actually watching the show before it, and happen to catch a glimpse before heading to my room. I was glued to the tv after that. It's a show about how long lost family members reunite and the sad story behind their initial separation. There were so much emotions. The regret for not being there during the important milestones of their child, the excitement and anticipation of reuniting and the immense joy to finally meeting one another again. It truely was an emotional experience.

It is very hard to fully understand the feelings of those who're seperated with their families unless you've been through this unfortunate experience yourself. For me, I was never lost. I know who my family is and never once doubt their love for me. But still there is something in me that made me feel I know a little of how those people felt. Maybe its because I am away from home for too long. Maybe this is just humanity.

Or maybe I understand because we are not so different afterall.

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