Monday, August 11, 2008

Rare side (sight)

Warning: This is not my usual writting style. If you're blessed with the gift to pick up the tone in text, I might sound a bit crazy to you. Be assured that I am still me but also know that what I have related, or rather, will be relating, is true.

I have recently changed the layout of my bedroom and many commented that my humble nest is actually really big. Well, well, what did I tell you. It's huge alright. Now that all of the furniture are pushed to the wall, there is a large space in the middle where I now skip.

Change is good. I recall reading a sentence from a fiction book saying that having a routine automatically makes you vulnerable. It was a book about serial killers. (yup I was into those books once) So if you have a good reason to believe that someone is after your life, change your route home every now and then.

That was a joke btw. That only happens in story book land. Or does it? hmmm...

But I like changes. I think. Besides, you're able to see yourself better with change. And if you don't like what you have evolved into, change back! Switch from being Mr. Nice to Mr. Grumpy and back to Mr. Nice again.

No nO dun do that. People will think that you're suffering froM split personalities.

Be constant. Stay predictable. Like me. I aM fairly constant. I go to school, come home, do work, run around a bit, bathe, eat, do more work, sleep, go to school, come home , do work.......................


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