Friday, October 31, 2008
1) Life's good. It's hectic. But still good.
2) Weather is crazy. Fluctuates from insanely hot to unbearably cold.
3) It's Sarah's birthday today so HAPPY BIRTHDAY :) It was nice hearing your voice on the other end of the phone again. Brings back fond memorise from those times when we talked for hours about everything.
4) Oh! And I've JUST learnt that there IS a link between genes and behaviour. And it is said that your genes determines the level of your learning ability. This doesn't mean that people are born smart or..... not. Instead, it means that how fast we pick things up is pre-determined by our genes.
5) It's Halloween today so there are tonnes of people dressed in weird-looking costumes roaming the streets of adelaide. It's like there's a massive conjugation of the people who are free (although it is hard to see how they can be THAT free with exams approaching) enough to go trick-or-treating.
6) Fun maths! Tell me a number and I can always find one larger than you. ALWAYS!
7) The game I've mentioned in the previous post, I lied about it having no hints. It does.
8) Just yesterday, another Aussie came up and spoke to me in Chinese again. hmm maybe I should start replying in gibberish. Then they'll learn not to assume.
9) I hate cooking. And all the planning associated with it.
10) It scares me because I am not scared. (of exams)
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I'm not dead.
There isn't anything interesting that I wanna share and I don't like to blog for the sake of blogging (I've mentioned this before) so I propose a game. If you've got plently of time to spare, I'll like to entertain you.
The rules to this game are simple.
Number 1: There are no hints.
Number 2: Everything is a hint.
Seek, and ye shall find.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Hate that I understand
I am not very particular about where I physically position myself in lectures but whenever I attend my maths lecture, I get very selective of where I sit. And rightly so as you will soon learn.
My maths lecture hall is one of the places in school where I feel I belong. This owns to the fact that there are significantly more Asians than Australians doing maths. But this is not necessarily a good thing because the root of the problem stems from this very fact.
Reason #1: There are too many people attending that session and I might not get a seat if I'm late. So I basically have to rush to all my maths lectures and that also meant that I cant really chose where to sit since there aren't many places left when I get there.
Reason #2: I am not good in maths. Hence I will need to "offset" this disadvantage by paying close attention in class. This could be easily achieved if not for the girls who were constantly talking about their life behind me. (That's why I am selective about where I sit)
Alright, I might be bias here but those people who can't stop talking, they are from China. My guess is that they can't understand what the lecturer was saying, cos he speaks English, so they need to occupy themselves by talking. I know that the lesson might be boring for them, because they cannot understand his accent, but hello! I am trying to learn something here.
And the worst thing is, they're conversing in Chinese! Why is that bad, you'd say, well its because I UNDERSTAND CHINESE! And it's distracting!
I tried to tolerate this for half and hour, and did a lot of deep breathing exercises at many intervals during this period, but eventually decided to politely tell them to stop.
So I said, " Can you two stop talking?" in Chinese of course, to make sure they understand me. Well, they did stop. For 5 minutes.
And then they continued talking. As if nothing had happened. As if whatever that took place 5 minutes before was just part of my imagination. So I gave up. And now whenever I go for maths, I try to locate myself as far as I can from them.
Congratulations girls! You have made it to the top 5 of my pest list!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Genes and behaviour. Is there a link?
Warning: This post might get a bit too technical cos I am writing about DNA and genes. Run away while you still can.
I have always thought, as a science student, that our genes are the main contributing factor to what we are as indivuduals. Because there must be a control centre which tells your cells how to behave when, say, you've got a cut for instance. Now, if you don't suffer from haemophilia, a genetic disorder, the innate immune response will form a clot to minimise the amount of blood loss. Anyone and everyone who has the ability to form a blood clot due to a cut will have the same genetic sequence in their gene which codes for this complex blood clotting mechanism. In essence, we're all the same with respect to that particular sequence.
But our genes determine more things. Like our outward appearance. In this aspect, we are quite different. That's how the same species, like homosapiens, can have a wide range of eye colours.
Alright, so far nothing's new. But I was thinking, can our feelings and/or reactions be controlled by our genes as well. Think about it. Does your friends or family react the same way as you when exposed to the same "treatment"? I hate to generalise but chances are that it is highly unlikely. That's why we don't have a crime free world or one that is infested with criminals.
So what makes different people react differently to the same treatment or stimulus? There must be a reason why we are programmed to act in a way and not another. And I think the reason is in our genes.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Busy busy
My chair has been converted to my make-shift, movable side table on which I put my notes and bag. This is how it normally looks.
This is how it will turn out to be when I am super busy.
Because my chair is taken, I'd sit on my bed and thus have the study table on one side of my bed (check out the light!), ...
... and the notice board on the other. So I am kinna buried under the books of wisdom and wise words, literally.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Chotto matte kudasai
1) Walking behind a group of slow moving people who line themselves in such a way that no one can past them without firstly getting off the pavement and onto the dangerous road.
2) Nearing a traffic junction only to find the lights changing to red.
3) Nearing a bus stop only to see the bus leaving the bus stop.
4) Waiting for a friend who was to be there half a hour ago.
In short, I hate to wait. But I have no issues waiting in line for something.
Which is strange.
Like this post.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
See Food!
Marketing video (part I)
Marketing video (part II)
First things first! Sorry for the late post. It took longer than expected to edit and even longer to try and upload. But the marketing videos are finally up.
Second, exams are really near so I won't be blogging as frequent as I normally would. So, I guess, sorry again.
Thirdly, there actually isn't a third so I am going to end this awkwardly right here.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Right, left, right
Why do we have to look right again when we have already done it in the first place? If its just to make sure we didn't missed any vehicles earlier, then why DON'T we need to look to the left again? It doesn't make any sense!
And why don't we look to the left, then right, then left? Why does it have to be right->left->right?
I know nobody really does it nowadays so its not a big deal but I'm curious about the logic behind the theory. Are we compromising our safety if we looked to the left first instead of the right?
This is not a joke, I swear. If you know any logical reason to these otherwise ridiculous actions, kindly let me know.
~ END~
Lastest news! Mingying has just solved the mystery! According to her, we look to the right first because Singapore is a right-hand drive country. So the cars come from the right. And then you look to the left for the next lane of cars which comes from your left. Haha but I bet you guys already knew this and I am just another retarded person who amazingly escaped natural selection. No offence to, well, people who might feel offended. I was just referring to me.
Aside to Mingying, thanks again and that was really fast!
8 or 9?
Our rights have been rightfully violated by the daylight robbery of daylight saving. (excuse the pun and irony)
And to the others who are very curious how this is like, this is like when you have only slept for 8 hours but the clock says 9. This is like a lost lunch break, passed you by without your knowledge. This is like turning one hour older prematurely. This is like being robbed of an hour of life.
I am exaggerating, as usual. But the part about me being confuse, that's true.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
They are back! (just read those in red)
It is my great pleaSure to inform you that my presence is most crucially required at Wayville, my exam hall.
On the 8th of Nov, the newly recruited guy named Stats will need me to read boxplots and graphs and comment on the linearity and homoscadacity.
Then, I will need to help Maths to use limits and the Gram Schmidt method to obtain orthonormal bases on the 11th.
And then on the 13th, Biology will need me to help him with some respiratory and bacterial infection problems.
Lastly, on the 15th, Chemistry will want me to help him with spontaneous reactions and Gibbs free energy.
Alright fun's over. Its back to studying.
...nothing at all
Conversation (plus a little note)
" But it was fun, wasn't it? And people enjoy seeing you on tape, " L explained, " it'll give a more personal touch than writing. "
" Well, I can write on personal stuff. "
L gave me a look.
" It's just.. well.. I don't really write those cause people already know so much about me, " I said and turned my back towards her. " What else is there left to say? "
Opps wrong question.
" Well, you still gotta admit you had fun, " L said. I was glad she didn't pursue the question.
" Yeah I did, " I said, this time facing her. " Maybe I'll do it again another time. "
(By the way, I just wanted to ask if the video yesterday was clear. Cos if it was, then I'm pretty sure it would've surprised some people that we cross the road this way but no one seems to be commenting on it. Hmm or maybe its just me who's overly excited about it.)