Saturday, October 18, 2008

Genes and behaviour. Is there a link?

I have been wanting to write for a really long time but I just couldn't put my thoughts into proper sentences. So I was thinking about life. No, not in the philosophical manner but just the basic mechanics of life.

Warning: This post might get a bit too technical cos I am writing about DNA and genes. Run away while you still can.

I have always thought, as a science student, that our genes are the main contributing factor to what we are as indivuduals. Because there must be a control centre which tells your cells how to behave when, say, you've got a cut for instance. Now, if you don't suffer from haemophilia, a genetic disorder, the innate immune response will form a clot to minimise the amount of blood loss. Anyone and everyone who has the ability to form a blood clot due to a cut will have the same genetic sequence in their gene which codes for this complex blood clotting mechanism. In essence, we're all the same with respect to that particular sequence.

But our genes determine more things. Like our outward appearance. In this aspect, we are quite different. That's how the same species, like homosapiens, can have a wide range of eye colours.

Alright, so far nothing's new. But I was thinking, can our feelings and/or reactions be controlled by our genes as well. Think about it. Does your friends or family react the same way as you when exposed to the same "treatment"? I hate to generalise but chances are that it is highly unlikely. That's why we don't have a crime free world or one that is infested with criminals.

So what makes different people react differently to the same treatment or stimulus? There must be a reason why we are programmed to act in a way and not another. And I think the reason is in our genes.

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