Friday, October 31, 2008


Hello everyone! Just a quick update

1) Life's good. It's hectic. But still good.

2) Weather is crazy. Fluctuates from insanely hot to unbearably cold.

3) It's Sarah's birthday today so HAPPY BIRTHDAY :) It was nice hearing your voice on the other end of the phone again. Brings back fond memorise from those times when we talked for hours about everything.

4) Oh! And I've JUST learnt that there IS a link between genes and behaviour. And it is said that your genes determines the level of your learning ability. This doesn't mean that people are born smart or..... not. Instead, it means that how fast we pick things up is pre-determined by our genes.

5) It's Halloween today so there are tonnes of people dressed in weird-looking costumes roaming the streets of adelaide. It's like there's a massive conjugation of the people who are free (although it is hard to see how they can be THAT free with exams approaching) enough to go trick-or-treating.

6) Fun maths! Tell me a number and I can always find one larger than you. ALWAYS!

7) The game I've mentioned in the previous post, I lied about it having no hints. It does.

8) Just yesterday, another Aussie came up and spoke to me in Chinese again. hmm maybe I should start replying in gibberish. Then they'll learn not to assume.

9) I hate cooking. And all the planning associated with it.

10) It scares me because I am not scared. (of exams)

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