Friday, March 28, 2008

Cold War!

It is damn cold here. And that is causing a lot of people to swear unnecessarily. Like me. Crap its cold! Adelaide's temperature is plunging like the money in my bank account and no one seems to be bothered about it. ('It' being the temperature of course). There is no way I am going to survive this without the words from Sun Zi Bing Fa. In English, I believe its The Art of War by Sun Zi.

Here is a list of things I might need for the war against the cold. (aka Cold War)

Number 1:
He said that if the surroundings don't change for the better, you gotta change to suite to the surroundings. So if the temperatures here cannot agree with me, I will adapt to it by layering. It is a common practice to layer here which refers to wearing tonnes of clothing.
Coats, checked!

Number 2:
I believe he also said a hungry soldier is an unhappy soldier (Or something to this extent). So I have stocked up on instant food and milo. I'll need all the energy I can get.
Food, checked!

Number 3:
Stay indoors! This one is taken from my experience cos there will always, hopefully, be a heater. You don't need Sun Zi to tell you that!
Common sense, checked!

The war has begun! Fight!

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