Thursday, March 6, 2008

Lemonades anyone?

As the saying goes, when life give you lemons, make lemonade. Well, I am quite sure most people out there prefer lemonades to lemons (and so do I!) but the question lies in, how do we do that? How do we see opportunities in the face of adversity?

Adversity is defined by the dictionary as, a condition marked by misfortune while an opportunity is an appropriate or favourable time or occation. An adversity will always be an opportunity if and only if (iff) you can predict the future. Unfortunately, no all of us can, so what we do is we try to minimise this misfortune using some common sense. One simple example (which happens to be very close to my heart) is, when you see the quantity of something in the supermarket stocking up and no one appears to be buying them, the chances are that it'll be on discount on the following week. And when they do get cheap, its a good idea to buy a large amount so that you dont have to worry about it not being worth your dollar the next time you need them. (especially if you're on a tight budget) And so you have it, opportunities (buy a lot when cheap) in the face of adversities. (no money)

Living in adelaide and far away from home has tremendous effect on me. I am super sensitive to money and will only buy things that are either on discount, or cheaper as compared to in Singapore. I am paronoid about my front door not being properly closed and will ensure that it is tightly closed and locked before retiring to my bedroom. I will tend to think that without sunscreen, I have a very high chance of getting skin cancer when I go under the sun for too long and I constantly check to see if my wallet and handphone is still with me when I am outside. But you know what, I've never run out of cash (so far), no one's ever broken into my house, I do not have skin cancer (as of 06/03 and hope never to get it) and my wallet and handphone is still with me. Yup I like to think of the worst that can happen and make very sure I'll be able to handle it when it does. As they say, better be safe. Now, why did I come to this point?

Forgive me, I had a tired day at school and my thoughts are all jumbled up. Guess I better hit the sack before I utter more nonsense. I hope to write on food on the next one though. Till then.

-leeling will not attempt to write again until she is of a better state of mind lest confusing her readers.

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