Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The next 10

Alright it has come to a point, unfortunately, where there is nothing left to update as everyday is as mundane as every other day. So, I will once again attempt the impossible.

It will be my pleasure to present you the next ten major differences between Singapore and Adelaide.

Number 11: It is really quite common to see people on cruches, in wheelchairs, or have their arm/leg cast when you walk along the streets. I did a count and found that I managed to see 3 in just one day! If you're lucky, you get to see more on some days. (lucky for you, unlucky for others). My guess will be that they have a high accident rate here but I have never witness any road accident or public fights. In fact, I have seen NOTHING that might cause such a serious injury to a person during so far. Its funny how accidents can happen to so many people. I feel it went as far as if wearing a cast became a fashion statement. Well, we sure do not have THAT in Singapore.

Number 12: There are NO STRAYS here. Not many at least. You gotta look into a narrow corner where no one walks before you get to see any stray cats. (I know cos I've seen them)

Number 13: NO CROWS!!! yay! But in their stead, there are seagulls aplenty. Not that there are many in town to bother us though. (The files bother us more) And they (the birds) feel perfectly safe around humans.

Number 14: Because the water here is very precious, you dont get to throw away water you cannot finish in school. Well, not that you cant do it but everyone around you will give you a look as if you've done something really bad. (I am not sure if it is against the law) So do it at your own risk!

Number 15: Dont worry if you missed your stop. There is a same store around the next corner. There are so many shops which have their branches within walking distance of each other so you'll still get your hungry jacks no matter where you are. (or maybe macs or kfc or subway or.......)

Number 16: The Australians like to preserve the environment and hence are very pro-active in the bring-your-own bag campaign, they have recycling bins almost everywhere, and they uses paper which are very thin. Too thin to my liking. I cant use my uniball on the paper as it is too inky.(if there's such a word) I gotta resort to using my azone paper sparingly as I am still not accustomed to using ball point pens.

Number 17: In Australia we walk a lot. And "a lot" is an understatement. They actually termed a 1/2 an hour walk 'walking distance'. I walk to school and back almost everyday and it is a 20 minutues fast walk per trip. (I hope to have shed some weight by now)

Number 18: The public transport within the city is free! By that I mean there are free buses and trams to bring you around the city of adelaide. They are not very reliable though. But hey, its free so who's complaining?

Number 19: The houses here have miserably thin walls. When my flat mates walk around in their rooms, or open and close their drawers, or talk on the phone, I can hear them clearly. (Note that some of my flatmates resides on different level as me) And I understand from reliable sources that every house in the city have the tendency to be equipped with thin walls. I seriously do not understand how they live around here.

Number 20: And yup the sauces are NOT free at fast food restaurants. Gotta BYO (bring your own)

-leeling is still trying to brush up her summarising skills and at the same time, she would also wish to find out the reason(s) behind the injuries people here are constantly sustaining from.

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