Like all Wednesdays on my academic calendar, it was a long and tiring day today. I was so tired that I almost slept while doing the titration in lab. And I when the time came to answer the questions, I couldnt think!
Question: List the possible errors during titration.
Answer: Incorrect determination of end point due to student's deficiency for colour appreciation.
Yup, I was THAT tired. And still am actually.
Today is Xinyi's birthday! Please join me in singing her brithday song!
~Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to Xinyi......~
May all happiness follow you this day forth
That's one more in the club of the twenties. Now, who's next?
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
It's bad but it could be worse
I feel lousy. My maths test did not went well. I guess I will need to make up for it by studying extra extra hard for my exam this June. Boo.
Disappointment. What is it and how do you cope with it?
Disappointment is what you feel when expectations do not fit reality. It is the feeling you get when you worked hard for something yet you're still not getting anywhere. Everything which falls within your scope of vision becomes grey and music becomes meaningless. You lose your appetite for food and games as nothing seems to interest you.
The cure? You'll need to learn to forget. Engage your mind in constructive activities and pick yourself up quickly. Think of positive things and believe them. As Xinyi would put it, 'it could be worse'. And I'll leave you with this for today.
Disappointment. What is it and how do you cope with it?
Disappointment is what you feel when expectations do not fit reality. It is the feeling you get when you worked hard for something yet you're still not getting anywhere. Everything which falls within your scope of vision becomes grey and music becomes meaningless. You lose your appetite for food and games as nothing seems to interest you.
The cure? You'll need to learn to forget. Engage your mind in constructive activities and pick yourself up quickly. Think of positive things and believe them. As Xinyi would put it, 'it could be worse'. And I'll leave you with this for today.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Back to the routine
Today marks the beginning of more work, less sleep time, and colder days. None of which I fancy. First day back at school was good. I have new lecturers for maths and chem. The former speaks fast with teaching styles I cannot appreciate while the latter reminds me of Alan Rickman. It's not his appearance that strikes a cord of similarity towards the actor but rather, the way he speaks. Its.... weird.
Oh! And did I mentioned that steam came out of my mouth when I spoke in the morning today? Well, it did! And (I risk sounding like an idiot but) it's fascinating! Bet you cant do it in Singapore.
I was studying for my maths test when the dust particles caught my attention one day. They were dancing in the sun and I thought how I might feel if I was a dust particle. The silly idea went away as quickly as it came and before I knew it, I was back to studying. But I wonder if anyone have the same thought as I did. Or any thoughts directed in that silly fashion as a matter of fact.
By now, you might think I am going crazy but I assure you that I am not. Some things just fascinates me, well, more than it should but I am not mad.....
.... i hope.
Oh! And did I mentioned that steam came out of my mouth when I spoke in the morning today? Well, it did! And (I risk sounding like an idiot but) it's fascinating! Bet you cant do it in Singapore.
I was studying for my maths test when the dust particles caught my attention one day. They were dancing in the sun and I thought how I might feel if I was a dust particle. The silly idea went away as quickly as it came and before I knew it, I was back to studying. But I wonder if anyone have the same thought as I did. Or any thoughts directed in that silly fashion as a matter of fact.
By now, you might think I am going crazy but I assure you that I am not. Some things just fascinates me, well, more than it should but I am not mad.....
.... i hope.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Complain complain complain
I dread tomorrow. It will be cold with possible showers and I cant hide at home anymore because SCHOOL STARTS TOMORROW. It's 14 degrees now which is about as high as it can get today and it will drop to approximately 6 degrees thereabouts later in the evening/night.
I have been visiting the bathroom countless times today (approximately once every half hour!) It's irritating! I cant focus on my work with the frequency at which I need to go and relieve myself.
And the clouds are irritating too! I depend on the sun for light as my room is very dimly lit due to its size plus the limits of my study lamp and the clouds just like to get in the way of the sunlight. They simply refuse to budge!
I hate to whine. Forgive me. I am not in the mood to entertain. And it has started to rain. Again.
I have been visiting the bathroom countless times today (approximately once every half hour!) It's irritating! I cant focus on my work with the frequency at which I need to go and relieve myself.
And the clouds are irritating too! I depend on the sun for light as my room is very dimly lit due to its size plus the limits of my study lamp and the clouds just like to get in the way of the sunlight. They simply refuse to budge!
I hate to whine. Forgive me. I am not in the mood to entertain. And it has started to rain. Again.
Friday, April 25, 2008
It has been a long time since I last blogged. And nothing much has changed over the week. Mid sem break will soon be over which implies that my maths test is only a few sleeps away. Its depressing to continue in this direction so please pardon me for the sudden change of topic.
It's Anzac day today! This is the equivalent of national day in Singapore, I suppose, and If you walk down the streets, you will notice the australian flags hanging on the street lights. There is, however, no national day parade and spectacular fireworks display. I have little knowledge on how they commemorate this day as no one seem to be talking about it. Its sad to say that it has no historical meaning to me and I only see upon it as being a public holiday, a day when shops are all closed.
I have accquired a liking towards the story Jane Eyre and have spent a few afternoons watching the different versions of this period drama. This thought just came to me one day. 'The things that she said led me to think that I was the constant topic of their discussion whenever my back was turned towards them. I wasn’t affected. Or at least, I didn’t let it show. It will not be easy to live up to everyone’s expectations so I’d rather live up to my own. And they may talk if they wish for I will not be able to change the littleness they think of me.' Many girls may be able to relate to this feeling. And I can never form a deep friendship with one who thinks little of me. Can you?
It's Anzac day today! This is the equivalent of national day in Singapore, I suppose, and If you walk down the streets, you will notice the australian flags hanging on the street lights. There is, however, no national day parade and spectacular fireworks display. I have little knowledge on how they commemorate this day as no one seem to be talking about it. Its sad to say that it has no historical meaning to me and I only see upon it as being a public holiday, a day when shops are all closed.
I have accquired a liking towards the story Jane Eyre and have spent a few afternoons watching the different versions of this period drama. This thought just came to me one day. 'The things that she said led me to think that I was the constant topic of their discussion whenever my back was turned towards them. I wasn’t affected. Or at least, I didn’t let it show. It will not be easy to live up to everyone’s expectations so I’d rather live up to my own. And they may talk if they wish for I will not be able to change the littleness they think of me.' Many girls may be able to relate to this feeling. And I can never form a deep friendship with one who thinks little of me. Can you?
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Internet-less day
Yup I have survived yet another day without the internet. There was a scheduled outage at The Village, the name of the place of my accomodation, (it is NOT a village!) and there wasnt anything we could do about it. So I decided to spend my Saturday afternoon fruitfully. I mean it in every sense of the word. I made fruit salad.

Look! It might not look very appetising but it is.
And I've made more!
My ah ma will be touched to tears if she sees this.
And to ease my boredom in the morning, I made a mini "wall"
to remind me of my post card wall I have back in Singapore. This is to block the view of my room from outside. Took me long enough to get around doing it.
I wonder if all these DIYs are the results of me suffering from withdrawal syndrome from the internet. But my time was spent wisely so I am not complaining.
Friday, April 18, 2008
The past, the present and whatever that lies beyond
Go back to the first day of school when you were in primary one. Can you still remember the events of that faithful day? The night before was filled with so much excitement and uncertainty till you cant sleep. It's because you know that something different will happen.
I recall from the good ol' days and remember my mother told me explicitly to choose a seat located under the fan so that I will not feel warm in the afternoon. To my surprise, my classmates mothers' told them to take the front-most seats so that they can hear what the teacher was saying. So none of them was 'snatching' the seats under the fan. But I was lucky. The next few days proved to be pretty hot.
These small things make me look back and laugh but it was my first step towards independence. Now, I am taking care of every little things in my life. From the clothes I wear, to the food I eat, to the place I live, to how I should spend my allowance. I pretty much have the freedom to do what I desire. This freedom, when abused however, can have quite dire consequences.
It is what I have learnt from young that shaped my personality and mold me into what I am today. My family and friends taught me many things and that's how I grow emtionally and mentally. And I am still in this process of learning and growing which enables me to live life to its fullest.
As said by someone famous (and I seriously cant remember who), whatever fails to kill me, makes me stronger. So give me your best shot. It'll only make me stronger cos it'll definitely not kill me. I will not allow it.
I recall from the good ol' days and remember my mother told me explicitly to choose a seat located under the fan so that I will not feel warm in the afternoon. To my surprise, my classmates mothers' told them to take the front-most seats so that they can hear what the teacher was saying. So none of them was 'snatching' the seats under the fan. But I was lucky. The next few days proved to be pretty hot.
These small things make me look back and laugh but it was my first step towards independence. Now, I am taking care of every little things in my life. From the clothes I wear, to the food I eat, to the place I live, to how I should spend my allowance. I pretty much have the freedom to do what I desire. This freedom, when abused however, can have quite dire consequences.
It is what I have learnt from young that shaped my personality and mold me into what I am today. My family and friends taught me many things and that's how I grow emtionally and mentally. And I am still in this process of learning and growing which enables me to live life to its fullest.
As said by someone famous (and I seriously cant remember who), whatever fails to kill me, makes me stronger. So give me your best shot. It'll only make me stronger cos it'll definitely not kill me. I will not allow it.
No man is an island
Apart from my family members, friends are the next major part in my life. I believe the statement applies to many if not all of my readers as well. Friends are important. They provide guidance, advice, smiles, and sometimes a listening ear or a shoulder to lean on when the need arises.
Having said that, not all types of friends are good for you. People who have the tendency to steer you away from your goal, or puts you down in any way is not a good friend.
Intelligent people make and keep the friends who are beneficial towards or have a pOsitive influence on themselves. But WISE people make everyone their friend and only allow themselves to be positively influenced by the words and actions of their friends.
Everyone needs a friend. And our ability to distinguish between good friends and the not-so-good ones made us treasure our good friends more. Friends understand what you say, but soulmates HEAR what you dont. So before you think about lying to a good friend, think again. Cos they will know the truth anyway.
Having said that, not all types of friends are good for you. People who have the tendency to steer you away from your goal, or puts you down in any way is not a good friend.
Intelligent people make and keep the friends who are beneficial towards or have a pOsitive influence on themselves. But WISE people make everyone their friend and only allow themselves to be positively influenced by the words and actions of their friends.
Everyone needs a friend. And our ability to distinguish between good friends and the not-so-good ones made us treasure our good friends more. Friends understand what you say, but soulmates HEAR what you dont. So before you think about lying to a good friend, think again. Cos they will know the truth anyway.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Executing Project Cleanup
I spent half of today doing what I was supposed to do ages ago.
I cleaned my room. YAY!
And I am too tired to continue writing so there you have it, my post for the day.
I cleaned my room. YAY!
And I am too tired to continue writing so there you have it, my post for the day.
Monday, April 14, 2008
News flash! Shirrin is still alive!
We were once lovers. We cant stand not hearing each other's voice everyday. We even thought of living together forever. But things changed. At approximately 12 hours ago, my phone rang. The person I wanted so badly to kill called me up. She is therefore very much alive and ready to be slaughtered when I get my hands on her. Her name is Shirrin Begum.
There is some truth in the story. We really thought about living together (but maybe not forever) and she really did call me. The rest are crap. HAHA
Its good to hear from you again Shirrin! Especially after so long. And glad to know that nothing's changed since I left. Although I was hoping that you would have moved on to the next J guy your the list.
The party on Saturday was great. Had a headache when everyone started to talk to me at the same time though. In fact, having a lot of people talking to other people at the same time gives me a headache. Lame people like Wei Fen and Chong managed to brighten up the party. We had loads of fun and tonnes of leftovers. It should not come as a surprise to you, therefore, to say that dinner for the next few days will be covered.
Its still terribly cold now. It feels like winter to me already although autumn has just kicked in. Thank god I dont have to brave the harsh weather anymore, or at least for the next 2 weeks, because of the hols.
Still missing everyone back home. Especially when I was talking to Shirrin and Sarah online. Everyone was full of shit. Especially Shirrin. If only Xinyi was online. Then it'll be much more fun.
Alright this is way too long. Till next time then.
There is some truth in the story. We really thought about living together (but maybe not forever) and she really did call me. The rest are crap. HAHA
Its good to hear from you again Shirrin! Especially after so long. And glad to know that nothing's changed since I left. Although I was hoping that you would have moved on to the next J guy your the list.
The party on Saturday was great. Had a headache when everyone started to talk to me at the same time though. In fact, having a lot of people talking to other people at the same time gives me a headache. Lame people like Wei Fen and Chong managed to brighten up the party. We had loads of fun and tonnes of leftovers. It should not come as a surprise to you, therefore, to say that dinner for the next few days will be covered.
Its still terribly cold now. It feels like winter to me already although autumn has just kicked in. Thank god I dont have to brave the harsh weather anymore, or at least for the next 2 weeks, because of the hols.
Still missing everyone back home. Especially when I was talking to Shirrin and Sarah online. Everyone was full of shit. Especially Shirrin. If only Xinyi was online. Then it'll be much more fun.
Alright this is way too long. Till next time then.
Friday, April 11, 2008
If the stock market reflects the varying temperatures here, everyone will die of heart attack. Highest tempreature of the day was a good, hot 30 degrees on Wednesday and today, it went all the way down to 20. It will then go back up to 25 on next Thursday. Its a miracle I am still not plague with the flu bug or, in fact, anything which will render me incapable of my daily chores. Thank God!
It is a sad day today. Everyone was saying farewell. It is officially the last day before the mid-sem break and lecturers were all finishing up the last bit of their lectures. I am going to have a new set of lecturers after the 2 weeks break and I am looking forward to it:)
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Unchanged by time
The sun has finally decided to bless us with some sunshine so we haven been getting any rain the pass few days and in fact, temperatures are rising to a level for living organisms to thrive.
And so, what's new? Let's see, I finally got a blister from all that half-brisk walking-half-running to school, took a COLD shower for the first time, realised that I am a official drug addict (caffine is my soul) and that no matter how hard I try, I just cant sleep at 11 pm.
Some things wont change. Like how I miss home and everyone back home. Mei, I miss you! I want shout 'Tadaema!' when I come home. I want to talk crap with mei at night. I want to go ntuc with mummy. I want to ruffle boy's hair. I want to..... want to....
See you soon Singapore. In about 8 months time.
-Not surprisingly, it happened. Well, I cant say i didnt see it coming though I was naively hoping to be proven wrong.
And so, what's new? Let's see, I finally got a blister from all that half-brisk walking-half-running to school, took a COLD shower for the first time, realised that I am a official drug addict (caffine is my soul) and that no matter how hard I try, I just cant sleep at 11 pm.
Some things wont change. Like how I miss home and everyone back home. Mei, I miss you! I want shout 'Tadaema!' when I come home. I want to talk crap with mei at night. I want to go ntuc with mummy. I want to ruffle boy's hair. I want to..... want to....
See you soon Singapore. In about 8 months time.
-Not surprisingly, it happened. Well, I cant say i didnt see it coming though I was naively hoping to be proven wrong.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Can you understand?
Love is such a noble thing. I feel so because, based on what I see, people sacrifice for love. They invest time, money, effort and sometimes tears on something which does not have any guarantees. I am not saying that people in love are foolish because I bet that it must be worth all the trouble if everyone doesnt mind the drawbacks I've listed. But loving someone who doesnt love you back is such a... waste. I assure you that it doesnt give much pleasure to the receiving party as well. The feeling of being bind to someone whom you dont feel any commitment to is so painful.
I hate responsibility. I hate to answer to anyone but myself and my family. I dont think I owe you any explaination. So unless you're family, dont ask.
Let go please. Release your hand. Do not force it. If anything, it will only create hatred and disgust. I dont need to answer to you so stop asking. Please dun make me hate you more than I already do. I cannot love you. Im too selfish for love. Dont ask. Stop all that questioning. I am tired. Understand me when I say 'Dont ask.'
-leeling wants to know if you can understand English.
I hate responsibility. I hate to answer to anyone but myself and my family. I dont think I owe you any explaination. So unless you're family, dont ask.
Let go please. Release your hand. Do not force it. If anything, it will only create hatred and disgust. I dont need to answer to you so stop asking. Please dun make me hate you more than I already do. I cannot love you. Im too selfish for love. Dont ask. Stop all that questioning. I am tired. Understand me when I say 'Dont ask.'
-leeling wants to know if you can understand English.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
The extra hour
While we were sleeping, a miracle happened! At exactly 3 am on the 06/04/08, all the clocks in Adelaide stopped ticking for one ENTIRE hour! Hence, the clocks read 0300 even though it was supposed to be 0400! Cool right? So Adelaide is now only 1.5 hours ahead of Singapore:D
If you havent already know, I was just trying to explain the concept of daylight saving in a fun and exciting way. What really happens is, when we receive the news that the daylight saving has ended, we'll change our clocks manually. Yup it is as simple as that. How boring!
Daylight saving was introduced because in spring/summer, the sun rises and sets at different times as when it is autumn/winter. So what it does is that during spring, the time is set one hour forward of the actual and when autumn kicks in, it will be adjusted back. This is necessary because it will be weird to still see the sun at 8 o'clock at night.
So everyone in Adelaide has just earned an extra hour! ANd I know this doesnt make sense but somehow, it makes me feel closer to home. awwwww
If you havent already know, I was just trying to explain the concept of daylight saving in a fun and exciting way. What really happens is, when we receive the news that the daylight saving has ended, we'll change our clocks manually. Yup it is as simple as that. How boring!
Daylight saving was introduced because in spring/summer, the sun rises and sets at different times as when it is autumn/winter. So what it does is that during spring, the time is set one hour forward of the actual and when autumn kicks in, it will be adjusted back. This is necessary because it will be weird to still see the sun at 8 o'clock at night.
So everyone in Adelaide has just earned an extra hour! ANd I know this doesnt make sense but somehow, it makes me feel closer to home. awwwww
Friday, April 4, 2008
Off track, on track
I think I made someone fall off his bicycle today. I am terribly sorry. It happened so fast. He tried to take a sharper turn in order to avoid knocking into me and right after he passed me, the bicycle skidded and he was on the ground. Everyone was shocked. And I am terribly sorry.
Although it is not entirely my fault for anyone could have been walking in that path at that time but I feel bad for walking away unhurt while he probably hurt his knee or something. Makes one wonder why people of Adelaide are forever in cast. Hmmm.....
Anyways I know you guys are probably tired of seeing these words but it is DAMN COLD LA! I cant bear to think about winter. And the great thing is I will be taking my exams then! wow yay!
Eating chocolates does not help Linda. Neither does taking a hot shower nor a hot drink. The only thing which worked for me is layering which can be quite troublesome at times.
I have just made an acquaintance with someone who sees little or not no hope in my transfering to another course because I need to get 'credits for all subjects at least' to do so. I thank her for her kind advice and was amazed at how much motivation I've got from her words. I will hold on to the words for now but vow to give them back to you one day.
The burning desire is so strong I can hardly feel anything else.
Although it is not entirely my fault for anyone could have been walking in that path at that time but I feel bad for walking away unhurt while he probably hurt his knee or something. Makes one wonder why people of Adelaide are forever in cast. Hmmm.....
Anyways I know you guys are probably tired of seeing these words but it is DAMN COLD LA! I cant bear to think about winter. And the great thing is I will be taking my exams then! wow yay!
Eating chocolates does not help Linda. Neither does taking a hot shower nor a hot drink. The only thing which worked for me is layering which can be quite troublesome at times.
I have just made an acquaintance with someone who sees little or not no hope in my transfering to another course because I need to get 'credits for all subjects at least' to do so. I thank her for her kind advice and was amazed at how much motivation I've got from her words. I will hold on to the words for now but vow to give them back to you one day.
The burning desire is so strong I can hardly feel anything else.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
When it is raining....
it is NOT advisable to use your small, foldable umbrella. I am dead serious. You will not need that anyway because of the stupid wind. All you need is a pair of good, strong, runner legs. Oh! I need to point out that this applies iff (if and only if) you're in adelaide. So people in Singapore, please dun try to 'act hero'. You'll still need your brollys.

This was what I got for trying to use my foldable umbrella. If you look closely, there are blood clots on my thumb. Ouch!
It was raining this morning. I bet the Australians were secretly celebrating because that means that they dont have to water their lawns.
If you're up early enough, you might get to see people rushing frantically from shelter to shelter and among them, you might find mua. What a way to start a day! My spirits, as well as other parts of me, were dampened due to the bad weather. It was FREAKING COLD!! And I am still trembling as I type now.
Met a new friend today. A very brief intro (and also a reminder for me) Justina, singaporean, bachelor of arts, johnny's fan, kinki kids, yamap, d grey man, wed date. Cool!
This was what I got for trying to use my foldable umbrella. If you look closely, there are blood clots on my thumb. Ouch!
It was raining this morning. I bet the Australians were secretly celebrating because that means that they dont have to water their lawns.
If you're up early enough, you might get to see people rushing frantically from shelter to shelter and among them, you might find mua. What a way to start a day! My spirits, as well as other parts of me, were dampened due to the bad weather. It was FREAKING COLD!! And I am still trembling as I type now.
Met a new friend today. A very brief intro (and also a reminder for me) Justina, singaporean, bachelor of arts, johnny's fan, kinki kids, yamap, d grey man, wed date. Cool!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Pass the coffee someone!
Firstly let me apologise for my abrupt signing off for yesterday's post.
Sleeping at 3 am for the past two days and waking up early for lectures has taken its toll on the quality of my mental health. I am going crazy. I cant seem to focus on what my physics lecturer was saying. Crap if this goes on, I will definitely fail my physics.
The workload is killing my study buddies as well. Arjan and Sze are the unfortunate victims of this massacre leaving both badly wounded. Sze is so stressed out by the fact that she did not do as well as she hoped for an online quiz and nearly went crazy. Arjan was worse. I think he is half dead by now.
The weather is seriously not helping. If anything, it is only good as it keeps me awake when I walk to school and back. So if homework fails to kill me, the crappy weather will.
-leeling just wants to sleep.
Sleeping at 3 am for the past two days and waking up early for lectures has taken its toll on the quality of my mental health. I am going crazy. I cant seem to focus on what my physics lecturer was saying. Crap if this goes on, I will definitely fail my physics.
The workload is killing my study buddies as well. Arjan and Sze are the unfortunate victims of this massacre leaving both badly wounded. Sze is so stressed out by the fact that she did not do as well as she hoped for an online quiz and nearly went crazy. Arjan was worse. I think he is half dead by now.
The weather is seriously not helping. If anything, it is only good as it keeps me awake when I walk to school and back. So if homework fails to kill me, the crappy weather will.
-leeling just wants to sleep.
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