Tuesday, April 29, 2008

It's bad but it could be worse

I feel lousy. My maths test did not went well. I guess I will need to make up for it by studying extra extra hard for my exam this June. Boo.

Disappointment. What is it and how do you cope with it?

Disappointment is what you feel when expectations do not fit reality. It is the feeling you get when you worked hard for something yet you're still not getting anywhere. Everything which falls within your scope of vision becomes grey and music becomes meaningless. You lose your appetite for food and games as nothing seems to interest you.

The cure? You'll need to learn to forget. Engage your mind in constructive activities and pick yourself up quickly. Think of positive things and believe them. As Xinyi would put it, 'it could be worse'. And I'll leave you with this for today.

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