When I thought it is never going to be possible, it happened. IT'S GETTING WARMER!!! YAY! Look! The yellow flowers are slowly blooming.
I know I have promised a food blog ages ago but haven't done it so today is the day I make good of my word. So feast on! (With your eyes, I mean)
Lunch and dinner. My lunch time varies on a day to
day basis cos it depends on the time I end school and so what I have for lunch varies as well. I will have a light snack on practical days cos I end at 5 pm and it will basically be the time for dinner when I get home. On other days, my lunch is usually the same stuff as what I will have for dinner for that week.
Picture from top : beef pie with part of the top
ripped off, a bowl of homemade chicken curry noodles with potatoes and the evident lack of substantial amount of gravy, the curry chicken alone to be eaten either with rice or bread, corn and carrot soup, ideal for cold winter days and the yummy seafood fried noodles comprising of seafood mix, tomatoes and eggs.
Fruits! Strawberries are really cheap over here so I dont feel t
he pinch when I buy them for consumption. They look and taste good and are good for me too! To give you a rough idea of how big they are, I've placed my palm in one of the pictures.
Dessert! This is my ultimate favourite part! The cream puff
was from Sze. They crispy on the outside are so soft and yummy on the inside. The box of white stuff is actually sago honeydew which was done by some of Serica's friends for her birthday party. Sweet! The cupcakes and cookies were made from pre-mixed and the mysterious chocolate coated, waffle puff (as I called it) was made with a secret recipe which Denise
refuses to tell.
Lastly, but certainly not leastly (if there's such a word), the emergency food aka the bad food. I don't think I need to explain this part except maybe the photo with all the Continental packets which might not look too familiar. Those are the
instant rice and instant pasta.
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