Sunday, September 28, 2008

What I want in life = One silly thought

I always thought that our world is extremely imbalance. The "brightness" of your future depends greatly on the advantage of your birth over others. For example, if you're born to a king your life will probably be very different, in many aspects, to one who's born to a farmer. So basically your future is determined the moment you're in your mother's womb. Of course, there are those who managed to 'make it big' despite their unfortunate situations at birth. And then there are those who managed to do the opposite. But seriously, what are the odds?

Alright, maybe it is easy to become poorer than when you started. (Judging from the number of people going bankrupt now) So I am going to disregard this point throughout my discussion. Let's just look at the number of people becoming richer than they originally were. And I don't mean just becoming the boss of a company from some nobody. I mean becoming somebody the world acknowledges from a nobody. A very good (and overly used) example will be Bill Gates. (I wonder if his name is actually a short for Billionaire $$$) So, how many of him are there? In comparison to the number of people in the universe.

How many of you are striving to be somebody and how many are just taking things as they come? The idea of 'making it big' is really so absurd that we stopped thinking about it and just take what we have. Is that being submissive to fate? Hmm...

I thought about it before. How it would be nice to leave something (like a legacy) behind when I die. And then I wondered what made me think like that. And then I laughed at my silly thoughts.

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