As I mentally tick off the completed task on my list of things to do, I came to realise that one can really never get everything done. It is just not within one's capability to do so much in a day. And work piles faster than you can possibly clear. Alright, maybe I shouldn't speak in a general sense over here. Maybe there are some people who gets everything done. So, I mean, specifically, me. I can't get things done. Alright?! Are you happy now?!
So I figured since work never ends, why don't we
just sit and relax a little. My housemate and I decided to play mahjong. We played last week and had so much fun that we can't pass the chance to play again today and we've made plans for our majong session next Friday as well. I fear this is going to be a weekly event that I will be actively engaging in for a long time.
Majong is not the only game we play. Dai di, or big 2 - a direct translation, is also popular amongst the people here. Here are some cards from one of the interesting decks we've used before. I especially like the 10 of hearts.
These special cards are by the brand with the logo of the most common cartoon in Singapore.
During the holidays in July, some of us decid
ed to play treasure hunt. I was in the planning committee consisting of me and Vanes and, well, just us and we came up with these clues. They're all lyrics of songs. I felt the one that says
" Under the 'sea' " was good. We intended for them to look under the pool table since we haven't got a swimming pool here.
Well, it was definitely fun sharing all the fun things we do when we're bored. Now, back to study shall we?
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