Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Present "time"

Warning: I have initially removed this post (for good reasons) but decided to put it up again. I did not edit and this is the original version. Don't read this if you're a sensitive person.

Presents are usually thought to be nice things. People use gifts to show their appreciation for one another. I'm not sure how far and wide this applies to you guys but it is said that its the thought that counts. And it is! To me at least.

I'm not saying this just because it is the "right" thing to say. You should know me well enough to expect any formal courtesy from me.

I am made to think that presents are the messengers of love. It conveys feelings such as gratitude, respect, appreciation and well wishes to the receiving party. Hence, I invest much effort and time when choosing the right gift for a close friend. And I don't only mean birthday presents. I mean small things you do everyday to make the other person feel good. Words, for instance, are a great gift for someone who is feeling down. And don't say it because you feel comply to. Say it because you mean it. Trust me. People can tell the difference.

And I feel the greatest gift of all is giving what the person needed most. (It's the thought that counts remember?) I am easily touched by people who are observant enough to know exactly what I need without me spelling it out. It shows how much he/she cares. But most of the time, I have to spell things out cos most people just can't see. So here it is, the thing I need most right now is TIME.

I know it is impossible for you to give that to me so I won't even ask that from you. All I want is for you NOT to take my time away from me. If you still don't get it, I simply mean stop wasting my time.

Excuse me for being blunt. I am cursed with it.


~sallo* said...

what happened to your tag box? it was more convenient. anw, i read anything you write cos a blog is where you type out anything YOU want. I read it no matter what you say so that I noe what ur up to and how you are.

river torrens is pretty! I will show you swan lake when u come over! love loads.

leeling said...

the tag box is still there. but you got to scroll down more cos i added some stuff in my profile.

ahhh i love you guys so much! cant wait to see all of you again.